Sally guiding Paul through his hauling paces

Is it a plane, is it a bird.....?

The overflow from the spring has its own artistry

Exposing the bedrock so that it can become part of the path

Willow catkins

Violets on the Wetland

Bird Cherry blossom

John experimenting with different trailer positions

Getting there

Is John competing with Clare in the path-making department?

Looks like it!

Anyone know what kind of a wasp this is? 01.01.18 - thank you Jenny - she has identified this as a Wool Carder Bee.

More learning for us and evidence that people are engaging with the website!

An end-of-PhD-bonfire - the very last item to burn

I wonder if the pamphlet included 'Have a bonfire'!

First grandchild Juno's first meeting with Paul

Jay in snow

Pheasant in frost